Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sleep issues with My Autistic son.

Have you evr had sleep issues with your child who is on the Autism Spectrum Disorder? I have and am trying to find new ways to keep my son asleep through the night. I have done some research and found that 40 - 80% of children on the ASD spectrum have sleep problems. Some have said that sleep may be affected by associated disorders and can worsen daytime functioning. I have noticed that my son has been sleepy at school and is affecting his behavior. I have found out that the use of melatonin and lavender scented body lotion or wash could be helpful. I will be trying these products this week and will see how they work.

1 comment:

  1. We use melatonin occasionally and it really helps! My son seems to survive on less than 6 hours a night. It does cause a lot of issues with education, attention span and behavior. On the nights that he gets 9+ we see a huge improvement in everything he does, unfortunately those rarely happen. Eliminating screen time seems to improve things hugely but is always a motivational reward for my son.
    Be careful with the lavender wash, I read somewhere that it can cause issues in body growth in boys especially any that are overweight in any way.
    Hope it goes well for you! When your child sleeps well it can improve so many things in the family's life!
